Masood Raja

About Masood Raja

Author of several books, Dr. Masood Raja is a Certified LIFE Coach and a motivational speaker and writer.

Constructive Criticism: Why do we Respond to it Differently?

In this brief article I will explain the reason we respond to constructive criticism differently. By its very definition, constructive criticism is meant to improve our actions and performance, but [...]

By |2022-03-03T13:51:38-06:00March 1, 2022|Education|Comments Off on Constructive Criticism: Why do we Respond to it Differently?

Thoughts on Life and Care of Others| Living a Meaningful Life

Thoughts on Living a Meaningful Life I created and posted this video a few months ago. I have always believed that caring for others, especially those who might need [...]

By |2022-02-27T20:47:40-06:00February 27, 2022|Motivation|Comments Off on Thoughts on Life and Care of Others| Living a Meaningful Life
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